Upper Elementary

8:15 – 3:15, Monday – Friday

The Upper Elementary class consists of students in years 4-6 of their Montessori elementary education. Building on skills honed during Lower Elementary, students further their explorations in all subject areas, working on projects, group exercises, and individual studies. During the three-year cycle, students are exposed to a rich curriculum comprised of the following subject areas:  arithmetic, geometry, language, geography, the sciences, history, art and music. The music curriculum includes exposure to Japanes (Taiko) drumming, and private music lessons in piano, violin, and guitar is also available. Students also receive regular instruction in Spanish language and culture.

Dr. Montessori believed that all children should spend time in nature. All of our Upper Elementary students enjoy daily recess at the beautiful Spring Park across the street from the school, and our Physical Education classes are provided in this vibrant setting. To enhance focus, concentration, wellness, and emotional self-regulation, yoga classes are also part of the curriculum.

In addition to regular field trips, students are encouraged to participate in various humanitarian projects, dialogue and discuss matters of philosophy and critical thought, and grow in social and moral development. Much emphasis is placed on being the best version of ourselves and developing and practicing empathy.


  • Whole Number Operations – abstract resolution of the four operations in static and dynamic forms
  • Number Theory and Composition – Prime numbers, Multiples, Lowest Common Multiples, Greatest Common Factors
  • Common Fractions – equivalencies and comparison of fractions, improper fractions, prime numbers, etc.
  • Decimal Fractions – relationship between common fractions and decimal fractions, decimal hierarchies
  • Percentages – examination of relationship between common fractions, decimal fractions, and percentages, use of concepts in practical applications (i.e. interest and sales tax)
  • Squaring/Square Root and Cubing/Cube Root – forming and solving basic algebraic equations
  • Graphs, Charts, Measurement, and Problem Solving – standard and metric measurement, reading and creation of graphs, etc.




  • Study of Lines – review of concepts learned in LE, study of different kinds of lines
  • Study of Angles – review of parts of an angle and different types
  • Classification of Triangles and Quadrilaterals – classification of the three- and four-sided polygons
  • Perimeter, Area, and Volume – study of these concepts with plane and solid figures



The Upper Elementary language curriculum has several strands, each of which plays a part in a student’s ability to use language as an effective tool for communication. One goal of the language curriculum is for students to better understand the grammatical shape of our language. A second goal is for students to learn the mechanics of written English. A third goal is to practice the processes of gathering, ordering, paraphrasing, and communicating information in a number of formats.


Specific Grammar Goals

  • Parts of Speech – review and practice identifying parts of speech, introduction to more complex forms of speech
  • Sentence Analysis – review concepts of subject/predicate/direct object in various contexts, introduction of traditional sentence diagramming
  • Mechanics Concepts – advanced capitalization, advanced punctuation, further study of spelling rules, etc.
  • Non-Fiction and Information Gathering – sentences, paragraphs, paraphrasing
  • Note-taking and Outlining – start taking information notes, using note cards, creation of outlines
  • Styles of Essay Writing – introduction of narrative, descriptive, persuasive, and expository styles
  • Creating a Bibliography – introduction to different formats

Specific Concepts for Writing Fiction and Poetry – introduction to variety of poetic styles, introduction to idea of plot, character development, setting and mood in fictional writing